June 04, 2010

Who I am. Who am I?

I have no schooling in cooking (well, except for that year of home economics that I took in Junior High) and the only real life training I have is cooking for my family and a 4 month stint as a pizza maker. Even so; I love to cook and I especially love to eat what I cook (usually).

I have worked at a gourmet grocery store/meat market, where I helped customers at the meat counter. While I was working at the meat market I learned a lot about food, meat especially. I know what fresh cuts of meat look like as well as what some stores do to make not-so-fresh meat look fresh. I learned what a good steak looks like raw as well as what to, or rather what not to do, when flavoring a steak.

My husband and I have a packed kitchen with more utensils and cooking tools than can fit into our small apartment kitchen, but most are used on a regular basis (including our new food mill which has already been used twice since my bridal shower).

I try to cook something out of my regular repertoire at least once a week... which sometimes means the only meal I cook for the week is something new.

I have started this blog because I have decided to challenge myself. With the use of our weekly farmers market in town and the local meat market I am going to attempt cooking creatively and deliciously on a newlyweds budget (aka; tiny). So lovely world, you who are reading this (which very likely could just be me) hold me to it: at least one meal a week that challenges me.

Please, feel free to offer me ideas because lord know there are only so many ideas in this head...

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